Once upon a time

Канал: English Class(о канале)
Сб, 20 апр
06:30 Episode 20
BAD ADVICE — a story about a father and a son who went traveling.
12:30 Episode 20
BAD ADVICE — a story about a father and a son who went traveling.
Вс, 21 апр
06:30 Episode 21
A GOLD NUGGET — a story about an honest man and a snaky general.
12:30 Episode 21
A GOLD NUGGET — a story about an honest man and a snaky general.
Пн, 22 апр
06:30 Episode 22
A dream — a story about a rich man and his wife.
12:30 Episode 22
A dream — a story about a rich man and his wife.
06:30 Trouble on the farm — a story of two brothers
Trouble on the farm — a story of two brothers.
12:30 Trouble on the farm — a story of two brothers
Trouble on the farm — a story of two brothers.
06:30 Episode 26
The jackal and the peacock — a story about two unlikely friends.
12:30 Episode 26
The jackal and the peacock — a story about two unlikely friends.
Начнется примерно через Wait...
Начнется в 12:30 и закончится в 12:40 (продолжительность: 0:10)
06:30 Episode 27
An unlikely thief — a story about a lady who tried to take something that was not hers.
12:30 Episode 27
An unlikely thief — a story about a lady who tried to take something that was not hers.
Вс, 28 апр
06:30 Episode 28
Health or wealth? — a story about a rich raja and a poor shepherd.
12:30 Episode 28
Health or wealth? — a story about a rich raja and a poor shepherd.

Страна: Великобритания
Год: 2012
Жанры: досуг, хобби


The jackal and the peacock — a story about two unlikely friends.

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