Step by Step

Сб, 31 авг
08:45 Episode 31
This program helps you improve your English vocabulary for household items. Chris, the host of the program, names the objects, which we all use every day, and the actions we perform.
08:50 Episode 32
This program helps you improve your English vocabulary for household items. Chris, the host of the program, names the objects, which we all use every day, and the actions we perform.
08:55 Episode 33
In this programme, «Housecleaning».
11:55 Episode 14
In this programme, «Pumpkin».
20:45 Episode 31
This program helps you improve your English vocabulary for household items. Chris, the host of the program, names the objects, which we all use every day, and the actions we perform.
20:50 Episode 32
This program helps you improve your English vocabulary for household items. Chris, the host of the program, names the objects, which we all use every day, and the actions we perform.
20:55 Episode 33
In this programme, «Housecleaning».
Пн, 2 сен
08:45 Episode 25
In this programme, «To repot a plant».
08:50 Episode 26
In this programme, «To wrap a present».
08:55 Episode 27
In this programme, «To paint a still life».
20:45 Episode 25
In this programme, «To repot a plant».
20:50 Episode 26
In this programme, «To wrap a present».
20:55 Episode 27
In this programme, «To paint a still life».
Вт, 3 сен
08:45 Step by Step
08:50 Step by Step
08:55 Step by Step
20:45 Step by Step
20:50 Step by Step
20:55 Step by Step
Ср, 4 сен
11:55 Step by Step
19:55 Step by Step
08:45 Dancing
In this programme, «Dancing».
08:50 To hang a painting
In this programme, «To hang a painting».
08:55 To do a yoga pose
In this programme, «To do a yoga pose».
20:45 Dancing
In this programme, «Dancing».
20:50 To hang a painting
In this programme, «To hang a painting».
20:55 To do a yoga pose
In this programme, «To do a yoga pose».
11:55 Episode 16
In this programme, «To build a fire».
19:55 Episode 16
In this programme, «To build a fire».
Уже закончилось

Жанр: познавательное


In this programme, «To build a fire».

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